This was only supposed to be a one-time thing. When we went to see the Off- Broadway production of Gutenberg! for the first time in March 2007, it was just because we got free tickets and had nothing else better to do. Then we became obsessed. Sitting in the Actor's Playhouse, watching Bud and Doug do their thing, we laughed, we cried, we cried from laughter -- and we knew that our lives would never again be the same. Although between us we had seen hundreds of Broadway and Off-Broadway shows, this 2-man, 30-hat spectacle was in a class all its own, and we needed to see it as often as possible.
Then it closed. After 4 months and 173 performances, only 7 of which we'd seen, Gutenberg! shut its doors in New York City, with no return in sight and no sign of dead babies anywhere. Needless, to say, we were devastated. As we walked by the theater night after night, with its marquee still shining but the box office darkened, we knew that there would never again be a time when we laughed as hard or smiled as wide. Schlimmer was dimmer. For over a year.
But then like a Gutenberg! miracle being thrust upon our lives, an announcement was made that it was coming to Salt Lake City! And Houston! And Washington DC! And like the observant young groupies we are, we realized that while Gutenberg! may be dead in New York City, the hills were alive with the sound of Biscuits.
And that we were destined to follow it.
Since July 2008, we have seen Gutenberg! The Musical! in Chicago, Boston, Seattle Ithaca, Ellenville, and San Francisco with upcoming trips to anywhere money and schedules will allow. While anyone can go on a vacation -- we go on a mission.
Tomorrow is tonight.